Test for Lesson 19: Saying Good bye to people in Russian

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  1. What here isn't farewell?

    Good bye
    Good day

  2. The variant of farewell “Прощай” is used only for the farewell of...

    an unfamiliar person
    a well known person
    a new person
    a relative

  3. The farewell “Пока” is...

    the simplified variant of farewell
    the shortened variant of farewell
    the warped variant of farewell
    the improved variant of farewell

  4. You can say “До свидания” to a person if you...

    don't hope to see that person once again
    hope to see that person again soon
    don't want to part with that person forever
    don't want to see that person again

  5. It would be polite to end your letters and conversations with...

    a wish
    a farewell
    a curse
    a greeting


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