Test for Lesson 10: The Russian alphabet (The Russian keyboard)

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  1. When typing in Russian on your PC, you should use...

    Latin keyboard
    Russian keyboard
    any keyboard
    a mouse

  2. The layout and set for the letters and signs on the Russian keyboard...

    have some differences from the Latin keyboard
    are same with the Latin Keyboard
    haven't any meaning
    have a random order

  3. To add the Russian keyboard layout on your PC, you should...

    turn on PC
    turn off PC
    remove the Latin keyboard layout
    activate Russian fonts

  4. The letter "ё" on Russian keyboard is...

    on the ":" key on the Latin keyboard
    on the "?" key on the Latin keyboard
    on the "~" key on the Latin keyboard
    on the ">" key on the Latin keyboard

  5. Usually, on the keyboards used in the countries of the former USSR they use a keyboard with...

    only Latin layout
    only Cyrillic layout
    the virtual layout
    Latin and Cyrillic layout are simultaneously specified


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